Monday, May 27, 2013

Wheelsuckers, How to Eliminate?

You know the type. Maybe you are the type. If so, I dislike you. I digress...pedaling my way home lately, at times a chump will do something lame like snake through the vehicles awaiting a green light, whilst I wait patiently in queue. After a block or two, I catch back up to the traffic-snaking chump and continue at my regular pace the rest of the way home. Right at the end of my commute is a short, but stiff climb, where the wheel suckers pop up their Meerkat heads, having sucked my wheel for the past 5 miles, and boldly exclaim, "thanks for the pull!" or "strong riding there."
Yeah, thanks. And that headwind? Pushed through it for you, you bet. Anything else I can get for you? Leg massage? Need my water bottle? Clif Bar? Can I make your car payment for you? Joke's on him, though, because I was extra gassy and I KNOW he was sucking wind to keep up, even in my draft.

Any tips out there for dealing with wheelsuckers? Four consecutive right-hand turns? Start talking Tea Party politics? Make blatantly racist comments? Brandish my firearm? I need ideas, because, clearly, my ideas are not healthy, and could get me into some trouble. 


  1. Slow your pace down till they get tired of going slow and go around you. then hook onto there wheel and enjoy the ride. It usually works.

  2. Of course you would offer sound advice. I'll have to learn to slow down a bit!

  3. I slow down enough for them to decide to come around me. Once they get along side me I tell them the truth. "It's rude to suck a wheel without an invitation unless you are in the middle of an organized race." Nothing wrong with being honest.
