After returning to Madison from an interview in Minneapolis, I noticed
newly-installed bike lockers outside Grainger Hall, or the business school building at UW-Madison. I primarily commute on the Brompton, storing it in my locker inside the building. However, it rides quite terribly in loose, slushy snow, so I am basically forced to ride the Salsa Casseroll. I made it sound like it's a chore to ride the Salsa. It's not, I love it. I love it so much that
I put a lot of $$ into making it the bike I want to keep long-term for randonneuring and such. As a result, I haven't wanted to park it outside, for fear of vandalism or worse, theft. The bike lockers were like manna from heaven. I quickly contacted UW transportation and secured a locker for the remainder of my stay in Madison. Excellent. Here are some pics.
Home Sweet Home |
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