Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Garmin Edge 305 -- Button Malfunction

A couple times now, the Menu button on my Garmin Edge 305 has stopped working. The unit is otherwise functional, but the inability to access the menus is rather annoying. It's not even heavy enough for a good paperweight (maybe I could use it for my .pdf's?), so surgery was in order. 

I used a standard razor blade to remove the adhesive holding the clamshell design together. After removing the adhesive, use the blade at each end to pry it open. It opens quite easily. The screen cover doesn't actually contain anything, so set the Garmin backside down.

Edge and blade.

This is the seam for the blade. 

Pop the case open.

This is the button that has failed a couple times now. 
The circuit board has the 5 buttons connected to it, and the buttons are made up of three components, shown in the picture above. What happens is the flat metal button cover that holds the plastic button and spring mechanism in place gets loose and the whole assembly pops off the circuit board.

So far so good on the 2nd repair. Should be good now. I really like the Garmin, so hopefully it works another season or two. 


  1. So how do you repair it? Do you need to solder it back on? My 705 has exactly the same menu button disease.

  2. The larger cover piece in the picture has tangs that "hug" or wrap around the base on the circuit board, holding the button mechanism in place. One I had everything sort of sandwiched back together, I held everything in place while pressing the tangs into place, therefore doing its job. My button problem was that the tangs would be loose, for some reason, and the cover would pop off. Hope that helps!

  3. Thanks for this howto! Other people sent their units to Garmin, because "the button cannot be repaired". Of course an exchange is quicker than a repair for Garmin.

    One addition: I used superglue to fix the metal piece a bit more. Also one dot of superglue on each side to fix the cover for assembly.

  4. I just had to do this same thing and I would like to add one thing. Look at the other switches as you rebuild this one. The small metal piece (it is magnetic) goes down first with the tab in the middle facing upwards. The plastic bit goes in next and then the metal cover. Pull the tabs away and then use a knife to bend the tabs into their retaining holes. I plan to put some super glue on the piece to make sure it doesn't come off again.

    I was all set to get an edge 500 but alas, this thing still works so i have to wait.
