First, it has an integrated front rack, which will better accommodate my handlebar rando bag. This would free up handlebar space (as I'm currently using the handlebar-mount method with a decaleur system). Also, I can better mount my light, as it's currently mounted to the fork leg.
Next, it uses cantilever brakes, allowing for much better fender clearance. After my recent fender installation experience, this is a much welcomed advancement. Also, the fork has better clearance at the crown, and has a rake, as opposed to the straight-legged version I currently have.
It also adds a third bottle-cage mount under the downtube. I probably won't always have a cage mounted there unless I'm going on a ride that necessitates three 27oz. Klean Kanteens.
The chainstays have been pinched a little, allowing for better tire clearance. The headtube is a little taller, but I'll probably try to maintain my current handlebar height if possible.
As far as brakes, I'm thinking of the VO canti's.
I like this Crank Brothers Cobalt SL headset (which matches nicely):
With that, everything else will stay as-is. I really have an itchy trigger finger on this one . . . .
You should get it! It's hot!!! Lisa