Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Hands-Free Cyclist

Is a tool. Let me explain. I hearken back to the early 80's, when I first learned to ride a bike. We lived in a cul-de-sac, so I rode in circles for endless hours once I was training wheel free. Almost immediately after learning to balance on a bike, the instinct is to try new and crazy things, such as riding with one's feet on the handlebars, or the extremely cutting-edge technique of riding hands-free. Mind blowing stuff. Just to summarize, within hours of learning to ride a bike, the hands-free technique is mastered.

Fast forward 20+years, and I see guys like this:

Look closely. His hands are in his hoodie pockets.

As he approached his left-hand turn, I could almost hear his thoughts: "Aw, sweet! A 90-degree turn is quickly approaching. This is my opportunity to display my prowess of riding hands-free. Few people can master this technique, and I am about to display the unattainable turn whilst my hands are in my Affliction hoodie pockets." Something like that, anyway.

I need your suggestions for how to deal with these people. My instincts are to do one or all of the following:

  1. Leverage my bike ninja stealth moves to sneak up behind and startle said hands-free rider. This may result in some sort of faceplant on the asphalt. I grin as I ride away, using my hands.
  2. Hide in the shadows alongside road or path with large obstacles. As hands-free cyclists approach, quickly place obstacle in their path. Brakes? They're on the handlebars, where your hands should be.
  3. Make small trophies or certificates of accomplishment to distribute. They would be able to easily accept and inspect said award since their hands are available to do so. 
  4. Slow clap.
  5. Lasso. Perhaps a duct tape sabotage like this:

  6. General verbal attacks, etc. 
I'm open to ideas. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

Gorgeous Sunrises in Madison

As the Vernal Equinox approached, the sun started rising in harmony with my bicycle-based activities. As I  headed on my route, the sky was glowing a pinkish-amber as the sun was sneaking over the horizon. I was only a minute or two from one of my favorite photo-op locations, so I spun extra quick in an attempt to maximize photo-op-ness. This is what I found: 

The Wisconsin State Capitol is just to the right of the sunrise 

I love this morning ride, and will have to try very hard to find a replacement once I move to Minneapolis this summer. All of my senses are engaged when I choose to go by bike. 

Friday, March 16, 2012

Morning Rides are a GO!

Warm weather has graced the upper Midwest earlier than usual this year. Temperatures have reached the high 70's F (25 C), whereas at this time last year I was riding on a frozen lake. I'll take it. 6am temperatures are in the 50's F (10 C), which is very rideable. A buddy of mine rode with me this morning on a 25-mile (40k) or so jaunt around Lake Mendota where we caught the sunrise.

I commute by bike every morning, but a nice fitness-oriented ride as the sun rises is hard to beat. In March. In Wisconsin. Fog has also been sweeping across Madison in the mornings.

This is a shot taken along the lakeshore path that traces the southern shores of Lake Mendota. The experience was quite majestic, with silhouettes of runners dancing through the fog and tree shadows. 

The transition between seasons sets in high relief the stark contrast between warm and cold, light and dark, numbness and sweat, long rides and short. Wherever you are, enjoy the season you are in, even if that season does not change. Today is a perfect example of Why I Ride!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Son28 2012 Model

Some astute readers figured out the mystery hub. It is indeed a 2012 Schmidt Son28. The hub has been redesigned and has a strikingly similar appearance to the SonDelux. I'll post details of the wheelbuild shortly.

SON28 view through the tube valve opening. 


Classic Son28

Peter White is my go-to for Schmidt and dynamo lighting-related questions. He knows his stuff. I'm looking forward to what this new hub can do.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Can You Guess My New Project?

Only pictures for clues. Bragging rights for ID-ing the first picture:

What am I?

Well, what's your guess?

Snowy and Cold, but Sunny!

Here is a shot from today's commute to campus. Lake Mendota, which had a 10"-thick blanket of ice this time last year, is mostly open water. This winter has definitely been more favorable for pedaling. Just how is a guy supposed to train for winter cycling in Minneapolis next year with weather like this? Somehow, I think I'll manage.

Multi-use path through the trees, affectionately named Bob's Woods

Lake Mendota is Thawing Out

Much of Lake Mendota is now open water, with waterfowl doing their thing. With 50's in the forecast for the next few days, the rowing team will be out there before you know it. Here's the Casseroll overlooking the thaw:

Not much ice left on Lake Mendota

Happy trails!