Rapha does cool stuff. No lie. Rapha is a London-based cycling clothing and accessories company with U.S. offices in Portland, OR. They have developed a reputation for exposing deeply-rooted grit in some of the best cyclists in the world. Furthermore, Rapha motivates the layfolk by issuing occasional challenges, such as the
Festive 500.
What's the Festive 500, you ask? From December 23-31, Rapha challenges riders the world over to shun holiday laziness and culinary indulgence and instead ride 500 kilometers--no riding on trainers. 9 days, 310 miles, or just over 34 miles/day on average. Well, that's lame. Not really, but I like to come up with alternatives that add a bit of epicness to something that's already cool. My idea? Ride all 310 miles in 24 hours or less. This translates into a 13mph average minimum, including rest stops.
Tomorrow morning, the 23rd, I'll leave at 5-6 AM and ride four 78-mile loops to the North and East of Madison. I'll be looping back by the house every lap, so I can fuel up, warm up, rest, use the baño, etc. I've planned a 24-hr Walgreen's into my route, just in case.
Here's an overview of my loop:
I'll post updates below as I ride along. I'll also be updating via Twitter
@Morsebici. Or check
#Rapha500 &
Lap 1 - 0-78 miles:
Change of plan. The temperature this morning when I left at 5AM was 12 degrees. A full 10 degrees colder than expected. I embarked nonetheless. Things felt manageable for the first 30 minutes or so, until my toes were extremely numb. I use 3mm neoprene booties over full leather shoes, but even with thick merino wool socks underneath I was numb. Ice block numb.
I pulled off at a McDonald's at about mile 20 in an attempt to warm up. I was thirsty, but all 5 water bottles were ice blocks. Even the bottles in my handlebar bag were solid. Lovely. I was sorta hungry, but the food was frozen, too. Hmm. I grabbed an Autotrader magazine and lined my shoe covers with several layers of its pages, vintage Tour de France style. No go.
I did get to watch the sun rise, however:
The camera was frozen, and would struggle to function. Can't blame it. My neck gaiter was frozen solid.
My feet got worse, and my arches and heels started to go numb. At about mile 40 (65km), I called in the SAG wagon (the Mrs.). I nursed my ice block feet to a service station, which was not easy to find along the farmroad-laden countryside. I'll be recalculating the remainder of my 500k attempt.
Attempt recalculated. I'll be riding smaller 22 mile loops around Lake Mendota. That and I'll spread the riding out in a realistic manner. Plan B on the 24hour ride is to ride during spring break.
The new route. |
The new itinerary:
12/23 - 33 (Complete)
12/24 - 44
12/26 - 66
12/27 - 44
12/28 - 44
12/29 - 44
12/30 - 35