Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rapha Festive 500 - Day 5 #Rapha500 108km

Day 5 - 108km (67mi)

Today was interesting. Yesterday, as I wrote about, was grueling and emptied my mental and physical tanks. I thought about incorporating a rest day into the routine. Instead, my wife encouraged me to get some extra sleep, leave a little later than normal, and see how things go. Instead of leaving at 6:30AM, I left around 9AM, once the temperature had risen to a brisk 16F (-9C).

I felt well-rested, and my legs had a little bit of kick in them today that they lacked yesterday. My toe-warming strategy has evolved and improved, ultimately using hand warmers over my toes, stopping every 45min or so to rest the feet, and stopping by the house every lap to take off my shoes and warm up my feet before heading back out. Today, the strategy worked great.

The original plan was to ride two 25-mile laps, leaving 42 miles for tomorrow (the last day of the challenge). I was feeling pretty solid, so I added 17 miles by riding an 8.5 mile out-and-back at the end of my two laps. I was definitely tired, but I only have one lap around Lake Mendota left for tomorrow.

Here's the ride track:

And a picture from the out-and-back:

After I posted today's ride, I'm in 108th place (of 2,700 or so)

Not too bad, considering the cold. 40km to go!

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